“Providing well log cuttings and core data
to the geological community for over 60 years!”

200, 630 - 6th Avenue SW, Calgary AB, T2P 0S8
  403-284-1112   |    Email Us

Our Instructors

Tony Raimondi, B. Sc.

Tony started working at Canstrat in 1977 as a sample logger and 'retired' in 2005, when as President, he sold the company to Sigma Explorations.

Over the years, Tony has developed expertise in logging samples from all over North America. He brings his extensive knowledge of the rocks combined with excellent communication skills to the students at our course.

Bernie Cossette, C.E.T., SPWLA, CWLS

Bernie Cossette has over 40 years of experience with well logs.

Starting with Halliburton Services working in both Cased Hole and Open Hole logging, Bernie worked for 12 years, eventually managing operations in the field before moving to Calgary. Then for 20 years, Bernie worked as a consulting Petrophysicist specializing in log analysis. During that time, besides the WCSB, he evaluated data in the frontier areas of Canada in both the Arctic and East Coast, as well as major fields worldwide, including Libya, Australia, South America, and Europe.

For the last 15 years, Bernie held the position of Canadian Operations manager of well logs at I H S.